#define _IPECAMERA_IMAGE_C #define _BSD_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <assert.h> #include "../tools.h" #include "../error.h" #include "pcilib.h" #include "model.h" #include "image.h" #define IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME 250000 #define IPECAMERA_MAX_LINES 1088 #define IPECAMERA_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 10 typedef uint32_t ipecamera_payload_t; struct ipecamera_s { pcilib_t *pcilib; char *data; size_t size; pcilib_callback_t cb; void *cb_user; pcilib_event_id_t event_id; pcilib_register_t control_reg, status_reg; pcilib_register_t start_reg, end_reg; pcilib_register_t n_lines_reg, line_reg; pcilib_register_t exposure_reg; int started; int buffer_size; int buf_ptr; int width, height; ipecamera_pixel_t *buffer; ipecamera_change_mask_t *cmask; ipecamera_image_dimensions_t dim; }; #define FIND_REG(var, bank, name) \ ctx->var = pcilib_find_register(pcilib, bank, name); \ if (ctx->var == PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID) { \ err = PCILIB_ERROR_NOTFOUND; \ pcilib_error("Unable to find a %s register", name); \ } #define GET_REG(reg, var) \ err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, &var); \ if (err) { \ pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \ } #define SET_REG(reg, val) \ err = pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, val); \ if (err) { \ pcilib_error("Error writting %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \ } \ #define CHECK_REG(reg, check) \ if (!err) { \ err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, ctx->reg, &value); \ if (err) { \ pcilib_error("Error reading %s register", ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \ } \ if (!(check)) { \ pcilib_error("Unexpected value (%li) of register %s", value, ipecamera_registers[ctx->reg].name); \ err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; \ } \ } #define CHECK_VALUE(value, val) \ if ((!err)&&(value != val)) { \ pcilib_error("Unexpected value (%x) in data stream (%x is expected)", value, val); \ err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; \ } #define CHECK_FLAG(flag, check, ...) \ if ((!err)&&(!(check))) { \ pcilib_error("Unexpected value (%x) of " flag, __VA_ARGS__); \ err = PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; \ } void *ipecamera_init(pcilib_t *pcilib) { int err = 0; ipecamera_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(ipecamera_t)); if (ctx) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ipecamera_t)); ctx->pcilib = pcilib; ctx->buffer_size = IPECAMERA_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; ctx->dim.bpp = sizeof(ipecamera_pixel_t) * 8; ctx->data = pcilib_resolve_data_space(pcilib, 0, &ctx->size); if (!ctx->data) { err = -1; pcilib_error("Unable to resolve the data space"); } FIND_REG(status_reg, "fpga", "status"); FIND_REG(control_reg, "fpga", "control"); FIND_REG(start_reg, "fpga", "start_address"); FIND_REG(end_reg, "fpga", "end_address"); FIND_REG(n_lines_reg, "cmosis", "number_lines"); FIND_REG(line_reg, "cmosis", "start1"); FIND_REG(exposure_reg, "cmosis", "exp_time"); if (err) { free(ctx); return NULL; } } return (void*)ctx; } void ipecamera_free(void *vctx) { if (vctx) { ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; ipecamera_stop(ctx); free(ctx); } } int ipecamera_set_buffer_size(ipecamera_t *ctx, int size) { if (ctx->started) { pcilib_error("Can't change buffer size while grabbing"); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } if (ctx->size < 1) { pcilib_error("The buffer size is too small"); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } ctx->buffer_size = size; return 0; } int ipecamera_reset(void *vctx) { int err; pcilib_t *pcilib; ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; pcilib_register_t control, status; pcilib_register_value_t value; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } pcilib = ctx->pcilib; control = ctx->control_reg; status = ctx->status_reg; // Set Reset bit to CMOSIS err = pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib, control, 5); if (err) { pcilib_error("Error setting CMOSIS reset bit"); return err; } usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); // Remove Reset bit to CMOSIS err = pcilib_write_register_by_id(pcilib, control, 1); if (err) { pcilib_error("Error reseting CMOSIS reset bit"); return err; } usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); // Special settings for CMOSIS v.2 value = 01; err = pcilib_write_register_space(pcilib, "cmosis", 115, 1, &value); if (err) { pcilib_error("Error setting CMOSIS configuration"); return err; } usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); value = 07; err = pcilib_write_register_space(pcilib, "cmosis", 82, 1, &value); if (err) { pcilib_error("Error setting CMOSIS configuration"); return err; } usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); // Set default parameters SET_REG(n_lines_reg, 1); SET_REG(exposure_reg, 0); SET_REG(control_reg, 141); if (err) return err; // This is temporary for verification purposes memset(ctx->data, 0, ctx->size); err = pcilib_read_register_by_id(pcilib, status, &value); if (err) { pcilib_error("Error reading status register"); return err; } if (value != 0x0849FFFF) { pcilib_error("Unexpected value (%lx) of status register", value); return PCILIB_ERROR_VERIFY; } return 0; } int ipecamera_start(void *vctx, pcilib_event_t event_mask, pcilib_callback_t cb, void *user) { int err = 0; ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if (ctx->started) { pcilib_error("IPECamera grabbing is already started"); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } ctx->cb = cb; ctx->cb_user = user; ctx->event_id = 0; ctx->buf_ptr = 0; ctx->dim.width = 1270; ctx->dim.height = 1088; //GET_REG(lines_reg, lines); ctx->buffer = malloc(ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height * ctx->buffer_size * sizeof(ipecamera_pixel_t)); if (!ctx->buffer) { err = PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY; pcilib_error("Unable to allocate ring buffer"); } ctx->cmask = malloc(ctx->dim.height * ctx->buffer_size * sizeof(ipecamera_change_mask_t)); if (!ctx->cmask) { err = PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY; pcilib_error("Unable to allocate change-mask buffer"); } if (err) { ipecamera_stop(ctx); return err; } return 0; } int ipecamera_stop(void *vctx) { ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if (ctx->buffer) { free(ctx->buffer); ctx->buffer = NULL; } if (ctx->cmask) { free(ctx->cmask); ctx->cmask = NULL; } ctx->event_id = 0; ctx->buf_ptr = 0; return 0; } static int ipecamera_get_payload(ipecamera_t *ctx, ipecamera_pixel_t *pbuf, ipecamera_change_mask_t *cbuf, int line_req, pcilib_register_value_t size, ipecamera_payload_t *payload, pcilib_register_value_t *advance) { int i, j; int err = 0; ipecamera_payload_t info = payload[0]; int channel = info&0x0F; // 4 bits int line = (info>>4)&0x7FF; // 11 bits // 1 bit is reserved int bpp = (info>>16)&0x0F; // 4 bits int pixels = (info>>20)&0xFF; // 8 bits // 2 bits are reserved int header = (info>>30)&0x03; // 2 bits int bytes; CHECK_FLAG("payload header magick", header == 2, header); CHECK_FLAG("pixel size, only 10 bits are supported", bpp == 10, bpp); //CHECK_FLAG("row number, should be %li", line == line_req, line, line_req); CHECK_FLAG("relative row number, should be 0", line == 0, line); CHECK_FLAG("channel, limited by 10 channels now", channel < 10, channel); CHECK_FLAG("channel, dublicate entry for channel", ((*cbuf)&(1<<channel)) == 0, channel); CHECK_FLAG("number of pixels, 127 is expected", pixels == 127, pixels); bytes = pixels / 3; if (bytes * 3 < pixels) ++bytes; CHECK_FLAG("payload data bytes, at least %i are expected", bytes < size, size, bytes); for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { ipecamera_payload_t data = payload[i + 1]; int header = (data>>30)&0x03; CHECK_FLAG("payload data magick", header == 3, header); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int pix = 3 * i + j; if (pix == pixels) break; pbuf[channel*pixels + pix] = (data >> (10 * j))&0x3FF; } } if (!err) { *cbuf |= (1 << channel); *advance = bytes + 1; } return err; } static int ipecamera_get_line(ipecamera_t *ctx, ipecamera_pixel_t *pbuf, ipecamera_change_mask_t *cbuf, int line) { int err = 0; pcilib_t *pcilib = ctx->pcilib; pcilib_register_value_t ptr, size, pos, advance, value; ipecamera_payload_t *linebuf; int column = 0; ipecamera_reset((void*)ctx); SET_REG(n_lines_reg, 1); SET_REG(line_reg, line); SET_REG(control_reg, 149); usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); CHECK_REG(status_reg, 0x0849FFFF); GET_REG(start_reg, ptr); GET_REG(end_reg, size); size -= ptr; pcilib_warning("Reading line %i: %i %i\n", line, ptr, size); if (size < 6) { pcilib_error("The payload is tool small, we should have at least 5 header dwords and 1 footer."); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } linebuf = (uint32_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(ipecamera_payload_t)); if (linebuf) { //pcilib_memcpy(linebuf, ctx->data + ptr, size * sizeof(ipecamera_payload_t)); pcilib_datacpy(linebuf, ctx->data + ptr, sizeof(ipecamera_payload_t), size, pcilib_model[PCILIB_MODEL_IPECAMERA].endianess); CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[0], 0x51111111); CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[1], 0x52222222); CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[2], 0x53333333); CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[3], 0x54444444); CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[4], 0x55555555); if (err) { size = 0; } else { pos = 5; size -= 6; } while (size > 0) { err = ipecamera_get_payload(ctx, pbuf, cbuf, line, size, linebuf + pos, &advance); if (err) break; pos += advance; size -= advance; } CHECK_VALUE(linebuf[pos], 0x0AAAAAAA); CHECK_FLAG("payloads changed, we expect exactly 10 channels", *cbuf == 0x3FF, *cbuf); free(linebuf); } if (!err) { SET_REG(control_reg, 141); usleep(IPECAMERA_SLEEP_TIME); CHECK_REG(status_reg, 0x0849FFFF); } return err; } static int ipecamera_get_image(ipecamera_t *ctx) { int err; int i; int buf_ptr; pcilib_t *pcilib = ctx->pcilib; //atomic buf_ptr = ctx->buf_ptr; if (ctx->buf_ptr++ == ctx->buffer_size) ctx->buf_ptr = 0; if (ctx->event_id++ == 0) ctx->event_id = 1; memset(ctx->buffer + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height, 0, ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height * sizeof(ipecamera_pixel_t)); memset(ctx->cmask + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.height, 0, ctx->dim.height * sizeof(ipecamera_change_mask_t)); for (i = 0; i < ctx->dim.height; i++) { ipecamera_get_line(ctx, ctx->buffer + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height + i * ctx->dim.width, ctx->cmask + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.height + i, i); } } int ipecamera_trigger(void *vctx, pcilib_event_t event, size_t trigger_size, void *trigger_data) { int err; pcilib_t *pcilib; ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if (!ctx->started) { pcilib_error("Can't trigger while not grabbing is not started"); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } err = ipecamera_get_image(ctx); if (!err) err = ctx->cb(event, ctx->event_id, ctx->cb_user); return err; } static int ipecamera_resolve_event_id(ipecamera_t *ctx, pcilib_event_id_t evid) { int buf_ptr, diff; if ((!evid)||(evid > ctx->event_id)) return -1; diff = ctx->event_id - evid; buf_ptr = ctx->buf_ptr - diff - 1; if (buf_ptr < 0) { buf_ptr += ctx->buffer_size; if (buf_ptr < 0) return -1; } return buf_ptr; } void* ipecamera_get(void *vctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id, pcilib_event_data_type_t data_type, size_t arg_size, void *arg, size_t *size) { int buf_ptr; ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return NULL; } buf_ptr = ipecamera_resolve_event_id(ctx, event_id); //printf("%i %i %i\n", ctx->event_id, event_id, buf_ptr); if (buf_ptr < 0) return NULL; switch ((ipecamera_data_type_t)data_type) { case IPECAMERA_IMAGE_DATA: if (size) *size = ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height * sizeof(ipecamera_pixel_t); return ctx->buffer + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.width * ctx->dim.height; case IPECAMERA_CHANGE_MASK: if (size) *size = ctx->dim.height * sizeof(ipecamera_change_mask_t); return ctx->cmask + buf_ptr * ctx->dim.height; case IPECAMERA_DIMENSIONS: if (size) *size = sizeof(ipecamera_image_dimensions_t); return &ctx->dim; case IPECAMERA_IMAGE_REGION: case IPECAMERA_PACKED_IMAGE: // Shall we return complete image or only changed parts? case IPECAMERA_PACKED_LINE: case IPECAMERA_PACKED_PAYLOAD: pcilib_error("Support for data type (%li) is not implemented yet", data_type); return NULL; default: pcilib_error("Unknown data type (%li) is requested", data_type); return NULL; } } int ipecamera_return(void *vctx, pcilib_event_id_t event_id) { ipecamera_t *ctx = (ipecamera_t*)vctx; if (!ctx) { pcilib_error("IPECamera imaging is not initialized"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTINITIALIZED; } if (ipecamera_resolve_event_id(ctx, event_id) < 0) { return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTAVAILABLE; } return 0; }