 1. For IPECamera, shall we limit DMA packet size to xdma_packet_lenght register
 additionally to size of memory page?

High Priority (we would need it for IPE Camera)
 1. Serialize access to the registers across applications
 2. Protect kmem_entries in the driver using spinlock
 3. Extend Event API with function to generate triggers 
    at the specified pace. By default the current cli 
    implementation should be used. However, the hardware
    alternative should be possible to implement.
Normal Priority (it would make just few things a bit easier)
 1. Implement software registers (stored in kernel-memory)
 2. Support FIFO reads/writes from/to registers
 3. Provide OR and AND operations on registers in cli
 4. Support writting a data from a binary file in cli
 5. Use bus-addresses instead of physcial addresses for DMA 
 6. Use pthread_condition_t instead of polling
Low Priority (only as generalization for other projects)
 1. XML configurations describing registers (and DMA engines?)
 2. Access register/bank lookups using hash tables
 3. Support for Network Registers and Network DMA
 4. Define a syntax for register dependencies / delays (?)