#ifndef _PCILIB_REGISTER_H #define _PCILIB_REGISTER_H #include <pcilib.h> #include <pcilib/bank.h> #define PCILIB_REGISTER_NO_BITS 0 #define PCILIB_REGISTER_ALL_BITS ((pcilib_register_value_t)-1) typedef enum { PCILIB_REGISTER_R = 1, /**< reading from register is allowed */ PCILIB_REGISTER_W = 2, /**< normal writting to register is allowed */ PCILIB_REGISTER_RW = 3, PCILIB_REGISTER_W1C = 4, /**< writting 1 resets the bit, writting 0 keeps the value */ PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1C = 5, PCILIB_REGISTER_W1I = 8, /**< writting 1 inversts the bit, writting 0 keeps the value */ PCILIB_REGISTER_RW1I = 9, } pcilib_register_mode_t; typedef enum { PCILIB_REGISTER_STANDARD = 0, PCILIB_REGISTER_FIFO, PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS } pcilib_register_type_t; typedef struct { pcilib_register_addr_t addr; /**< Register address in the bank */ pcilib_register_size_t offset; /**< Register offset in the byte (in bits) */ pcilib_register_size_t bits; /**< Register size in bits */ pcilib_register_value_t defvalue; /**< Default register value (some protocols, i.e. software registers, may set it during the initialization) */ pcilib_register_value_t rwmask; /**< Used to define how external bits of PCILIB_REGISTER_BITS registers are treated. To keep bit value unchanged, we need to observe the following behavior depending on status of corresponding bit in this field: 1 - standard bit (i.e. if we want to keep the bit value we need to read it, and, the write back), 0 - non-standard bit which behavior is defined by mode (only partially implemented. so far only 1C/1I modes (zero should be written to preserve the value) are supported */ pcilib_register_mode_t mode; /**< Register access (ro/wo/rw) and how writting to register works (if value just set as specified or, for instance, the bits which are on in the value are cleared/inverted). For information only, no preprocessing on bits is performed. */ pcilib_register_type_t type; /**< Defines type of register is it standard register, subregister for bit fields or view, fifo */ pcilib_register_bank_addr_t bank; /**< Specified the address of the bank this register belongs to */ const char *name; /**< The access name of the register */ const char *description; /**< Brief description of the register */ } pcilib_register_description_t; typedef struct { pcilib_register_bank_t bank; } pcilib_register_context_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int pcilib_add_registers(pcilib_t *ctx, size_t n, const pcilib_register_description_t *registers); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _PCILIB_REGISTER_H */