#include #include "pci.h" #include "pcilib.h" #include #include "views.h" #include "error.h" #include #include /** * * replace a substring within a string by another * @param[in] txt - the string to be modified *@param[in] before - the substring in the string that will be replaced *@param[in] after - the new value of before substring *@return the modified txt string */ static char* pcilib_view_formula_replace (const char *txt, const char *before, const char *after) { const char *pos; char *return_txt; size_t pos_return_txt; size_t len; size_t allocated_size; /*get the first occurence of before. then we need one time to be out of the loop to correctly set the diverses varaibles (malloc instead of realloc notably)*/ pos = strstr (txt, before); if (pos == NULL) { pcilib_warning("problem with a formula"); } /* get the position of this occurence*/ len = (size_t)pos - (size_t)txt; allocated_size = len + strlen (after) + 1; return_txt = malloc (allocated_size); pos_return_txt = 0; /* we copy there the in a newly allocated string the start of txt before the "before" occurence, and then we copy after instead*/ strncpy (return_txt + pos_return_txt, txt, len); pos_return_txt += len; txt = pos + strlen (before); len = strlen (after); strncpy (return_txt + pos_return_txt, after, len); pos_return_txt += len; /* we then iterate with the same principle to all occurences of before*/ pos = strstr (txt, before); while (pos != NULL) { len = (size_t)pos - (size_t)txt; allocated_size += len + strlen (after); return_txt = (char *)realloc (return_txt, allocated_size); strncpy (return_txt + pos_return_txt, txt, len); pos_return_txt += len; txt = pos + strlen (before); len = strlen (after); strncpy (return_txt + pos_return_txt, after, len); pos_return_txt += len; pos = strstr (txt, before); } /* put the rest of txt string at the end*/ len = strlen (txt) + 1; allocated_size += len; return_txt = realloc (return_txt, allocated_size); strncpy (return_txt + pos_return_txt, txt, len); return return_txt; } /** * function used to get the substring of a string s, from the starting and ending indexes * @param[in] s string containing the substring we want to extract. * @param[in] start the start index of the substring. * @param[in] end the ending index of the substring. * @return the extracted substring. */ static char* pcilib_view_str_sub (const char *s, unsigned int start, unsigned int end) { char *new_s = NULL; if (s != NULL && start < end) { new_s = malloc (sizeof (*new_s) * (end - start + 2)); if (new_s != NULL) { int i; for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { new_s[i-start] = s[i]; } new_s[i-start] = '\0'; } else { pcilib_error("insufficient memory for string manipulation\n"); return NULL; } } return new_s; } /** * get the bank name associated with a register name */ static const char* pcilib_view_get_bank_from_reg_name(pcilib_t* ctx,char* reg_name){ int k; for(k=0;ctx->registers[k].bits;k++){ if(!(strcasecmp(reg_name,ctx->registers[k].name))){ return ctx->banks[pcilib_find_register_bank_by_addr(ctx,ctx->registers[k].bank)].name; } } return NULL; } /** * replace plain registers name in a formula by their value */ static char* pcilib_view_compute_plain_registers(pcilib_t* ctx, char* formula){ int j,k; char *substr, *substr2; char temp[66]; pcilib_register_value_t value; /*we get recursively all registers of string , and if they are not equel to '@reg', then we get their value and put it in formula*/ for(j=0;j>> import re >>> m = re.search('(?<=@)\w+', formula) >>> m.group(0) */ char reg_value_string[66]; /* to register reg_value as a string, need to check the length*/ sprintf(reg_value_string,"%u",reg_value); /*computation of plain registers in the formula*/ formula=pcilib_view_compute_plain_registers(ctx,formula); /* computation of @reg with register value*/ formula=pcilib_view_formula_replace(formula,"@reg",reg_value_string); /* evaluation of the formula*/ *out_value= pcilib_view_eval_formula(formula); } int pcilib_read_view(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, const char *view/*, const char *unit*/, size_t value_size, void *value) { int i,j,err=0; pcilib_register_value_t temp_value; char* formula; /* we get the index of the register to find the corresponding register context*/ if((i=pcilib_find_register(ctx,bank,regname))==PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID){ pcilib_error("can't get the index of the register %s", regname); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } /* we get the value of the register, as we will apply the view on it*/ if((err==pcilib_read_register_by_id(ctx,i,&temp_value))>0){ pcilib_error("can't read the register %s value before applying views",regname); } /*in the case we don't ask for a view's name, we know it will be for views of type enum. Especially, it's faster to search directly on the values of those views instead of a given name. we iterate so through the views of type enum to verify if the value we have corresponds to an enum command*/ if(!(view)){ for(j=0; ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].value;j++){ if((temp_value >= ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].min) && (temp_value <= ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].max)){ value_size=strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].name)*sizeof(char); value=malloc(sizeof(value_size)); if(!(value)){ pcilib_error("can't allocate memory for the returning value of the view %s",view); return PCILIB_ERROR_MEMORY; } /* in the case the value of register is between min and max, then we return the correponding enum command*/ strncpy((char*)value,ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].name, strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].name)); return 0; } } pcilib_warning("the value of the register asked do not correspond to any enum views"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTAVAILABLE; } /** in the other case we ask for a view of type formula. Indeed, wa can't directly ask for a formula, so we have to provide a name for those views*/ j=0; while((ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].name)){ if(!(strcasecmp(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].name,view))){ /* when we have found the correct view of type formula, we apply the formula, that get the good value for return*/ formula=malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].read_formula)); strncpy(formula,ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].read_formula,strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].read_formula)); // pcilib_view_apply_formula(ctx, ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].read_formula,temp_value,value); pcilib_view_apply_formula(ctx, formula,temp_value,value); value_size=sizeof(int); return 0; } j++; } pcilib_warning("the view asked and the register do not correspond"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTAVAILABLE; } /** * function to write to a register using a view */ int pcilib_write_view(pcilib_t *ctx, const char *bank, const char *regname, const char *view, size_t value_size,void* value/*, const char *unit*/){ int i,j; pcilib_register_value_t temp_value; char *formula; /* we get the index of the register to find the corresponding register context*/ if((i=pcilib_find_register(ctx,bank,regname))==PCILIB_REGISTER_INVALID){ pcilib_error("can't get the index of the register %s", regname); return PCILIB_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST; } /*here, in the case of views of type enum, view will correspond to the enum command. we iterate so through the views of type enum to get the value corresponding to the enum command*/ for(j=0; ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].value;j++){ if(!(strcasecmp(ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].name,view))){ pcilib_write_register(ctx,bank,regname,ctx->register_ctx[i].enums[j].value); return 0; } } /** in the other case we ask for a view of type formula. Indeed, wa can't directly ask for a formula, so we have to provide a name for those views in view, and the value we want to write in value*/ j=0; while((ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].name)){ if(!(strcasecmp(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].name,view))){ /* when we have found the correct view of type formula, we apply the formula, that get the good value for return*/ formula=malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].write_formula)); strncpy(formula,ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].write_formula,strlen(ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].write_formula)); // pcilib_view_apply_formula(ctx, ctx->register_ctx[i].formulas[j].write_formula,(pcilib_register_value_t*)value,temp_value); pcilib_view_apply_formula(ctx,formula,*(pcilib_register_value_t*)value,&temp_value); pcilib_write_register(ctx,bank,regname,temp_value); return 0; } j++; } pcilib_warning("the view asked and the register do not correspond"); return PCILIB_ERROR_NOTAVAILABLE; }