Ands (Advanced aNalysis and Data Services)

Ansible groups
 - OpenShift
    nodes [enforced]                            All OpenShift Nodes
    storage_nodes                               All OpenShift Nodes with attached storage
    masters [enforced]                          All OpenShift Nodes with attached storage and acting as masters
    Additional building blocks:
        simple_nodes                            OpenShift Node (without Storage)
        simple_storage_nodes                    OpenShift Node with Storage atached, but not acting as Master

 - oVirt
    ? ovirt_servers                             All oVirt servers
    ? ovirt_masters                             All oVirt masters

 - General
    ands_servers                                All server hardware running in the server rooms
    ands_storage_servers                        All servers with storage attached (OpenShift storage, oVirt storage, PDV storage)
    ands_cuda_servers                           All servers with NVIDIA hardware
    ands_opencl_servers                         All servers expected to run OpenCL SDK
    ands_desktops                               Destkop computers outside of the server room
    ands                                        Everything

Ansible roles
 - Preparation of Vagrant nodes
    ands_vagrant_vm     vagrant                 Configures Vagrantfile and starts virtual machines if necessary
 - Ands-specific
    ands_facts          ands                    Detect current Ands configuration
    ands_storage        ands_storage_servers    Detects large storage device and configures LVM, sets aside space for Heketi if ands_heketi_* is set

 - General (abstract roles)
    common              ands                    Standard repositories & software
    keepalived          masters                 Keepalived Service
    openvpn             nodes                   Configures required tunnels (contains templates for all planned tunnels)
    docker              nodes                   Installs docker and configures LVM-based docker storage backend
    glusterfs           servers                 Installs glusterfs, provisions requested volumes, and mounts them

 - OpenShift
    openshift_resource  include                 Populates OpenShift resources (should be executed on master nodes)
    ands_openshift      nodes                   Configures /etc/hosts (to be independent of DNS), user accounts, GlusterFS endpoints in all projects, Heketi service if needed
    ands_kaas           masters                 For all projects configure Gluster volumes, populates OpenShift resources and configuration user configuration

 - Katrin-specific

Ansible parameters (global)
    We are listing here only variables which have the global scope, i.e. affect multiple roles. The role parameters are documented 
    within the role itself. General (non ands_*) roles should not rely on ands_* variables directly (except in 'defaults').
        => Instead the playbooks are used to set role-specific parameters based on ands_* variables. 

 - Domains
    ands_openshift_subdomain    group_vars      The default subdomain of the OpenShift cluster (
    ands_cluster_domain         group_vars      The default domain name of all cluster servers (

 - High Availability
    ands_openshift_lb           group_vars      The FQDN of load-balancer of the OpenShift cluster (
    ands_ipfailover_interface   group_vars      Interface to run IPFailover service
    ands_ipfailover_vips        group_vars      Virtual IPs to maintain by IPFailover service
 - Networks 
    ands_storage_network           group_vars   CIDR of storage network
    ands_openshift_network         group_vars   CIDR of OpenShift network (normally, we use storage network)
    ands_openshift_public_network  group_vars   CIDR of OpenShift public network (normally, we use infrastructure network)
    ands_openshift_ingress_network group_vars   CIDR of OpenShift ingress network

 - Host names / IPs
    ands_host_id                inventory       ID is equivalent to the IP in the infrastructure network
    ands_storage_hostname       computed        IP or hostname of the host in the Infiniband storage network
    ands_hpc_hostname           computed        IP or hostname of the host in the Infiniband HPC network

 - Storage
    ands_data_device            ands_storage    The raid device where Ands LVM will be populated. Normally will be autodetected based on size.
    ands_data_vg                ands_storage    The LVM VG on the main storage device
    ands_data_path              ands_storage    The path where the large storage is mounted
    ands_data_volume_size       group_vars      If not specified, all disks space will be imideately used. Oherwise, it is possible to keep it for other uses and grow as needed.
    ands_heketi_volume_size     group_vars      If specified, some space will set aside on LVM some space for Heketi volume
    ands_storage_domains        ands_storage    List of GlusterFS volumens and mount points (configured in ands_facts and may add additional heketi domain in ands_storage)

 - Docker specific
    docker_storage_device       ands_storage    Storage device to create Docker LVM on (if not existing yet)
    docker_storage_vg           ands_storage    LVM VG for Docker volumes (autodetected if not specified)

 - GlusterFS specific 
    glusterfs_version           group_vars
    glusterfs_transport         group_vars

 - OpenShift specific
    ands_openshift_labels       setup/configs   Labels to assign to the nodes
    ands_openshift_projects     setup/configs   List of projects to configure (with GlusterFS endpoints, etc.)
    ands_openshift_users        setup/configs   Optional list of user names with contacts
    ands_openshift_roles        setup/configs   User-permissions. Configures list of admins, project users, etc.
    ands_secrets                setup/configs   Passwords, etc.

    ands_paths                  setup/configs   Default mount point paths
    ands_storage_domains        setup/configs   List of GlusterFS volumes along with hosting servers     
    ands_openshift_volumes      setup/configs   List of OpenShift volumes linked to GlusterFS volumes and paths. Used to generate PV/PVC. Can be restricted per project.
    ands_openshift_files        setup/configs   List of directories/files on the GlusterFS we want to create, ensure permissions/owners.

    kaas_glusterfs_endpoints    <hard-corded>   Specifies the name of GlusterFS endpoint, should be configured by the ands_openshift service (but currently hardcorded)

 - Project specific 
    volumes                     project         Overrides list of PV/PVC to populate in the project
    files                       project         Additional files to ensure are existing and have correct permissions
    file_owner                  project         Default user owning files
    file_group                  project         Default group owning files
    pods                        project         Configuration of the expected pods
    oc                          project         If necessary may give detailed instructions in which prioritu resources should be populated

 - KATRIN specific
    katrin_node                  group_vars     FQDN of KaaS router (, but now or something)
    katrin_openvpn_network       group_vars     OpenVPN network encompassing all subnets to Katrin control network
    katrin_openvpn_subnet_bits   group_vars     Subnet size
    katrin_openvpn_subnet_offset group_vars   Offset of a first subnet (according to the specified size)