# Here we set 'openshift_hostname', 'openshift_ip' and other variables
- name: "Configuring network facts"
  include_tasks: "network.yml"

# The variables accessed trough 'hostvars' should be set as facts
# Here we set 'ands_storage_servers' and other variables
- name: "Configuring storage facts"
  include_tasks: "storage.yml"

- name: "Configuring ands nodes"
  include_tasks: "nodes.yml"

- name: "Configuring ands volumes"
  include_tasks: "volumes.yml"

- name: "Confirm that ands facts are configured"
    ands_none: "{{ ands_none }}"
    ands_facts_configured: true

#- debug: msg="{{ ands_volume_hostraid_servers }}"