path: root/inventory/openstack
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inventory/openstack')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/inventory/openstack/hosts/hosts b/inventory/openstack/hosts/hosts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b63e98f4..000000000
--- a/inventory/openstack/hosts/hosts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-localhost ansible_become=no ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/env python2' connection=local
diff --git a/inventory/openstack/hosts/ b/inventory/openstack/hosts/
deleted file mode 100755
index deefd3b5d..000000000
--- a/inventory/openstack/hosts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# pylint: skip-file
-# Copyright (c) 2012, Marco Vito Moscaritolo <>
-# Copyright (c) 2013, Jesse Keating <>
-# Copyright (c) 2015, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
-# Copyright (c) 2016, Rackspace Australia
-# This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this software. If not, see <>.
-# The OpenStack Inventory module uses os-client-config for configuration.
-# This means it will either:
-# - Respect normal OS_* environment variables like other OpenStack tools
-# - Read values from a clouds.yaml file.
-# If you want to configure via clouds.yaml, you can put the file in:
-# - Current directory
-# - ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
-# - /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml
-# - /etc/ansible/openstack.yml
-# The clouds.yaml file can contain entries for multiple clouds and multiple
-# regions of those clouds. If it does, this inventory module will connect to
-# all of them and present them as one contiguous inventory.
-# See the adjacent openstack.yml file for an example config file
-# There are two ansible inventory specific options that can be set in
-# the inventory section.
-# expand_hostvars controls whether or not the inventory will make extra API
-# calls to fill out additional information about each server
-# use_hostnames changes the behavior from registering every host with its UUID
-# and making a group of its hostname to only doing this if the
-# hostname in question has more than one server
-# fail_on_errors causes the inventory to fail and return no hosts if one cloud
-# has failed (for example, bad credentials or being offline).
-# When set to False, the inventory will return hosts from
-# whichever other clouds it can contact. (Default: True)
-import argparse
-import collections
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
- import json
- import simplejson as json
-import os_client_config
-import shade
-import shade.inventory
-CONFIG_FILES = ['/etc/ansible/openstack.yaml', '/etc/ansible/openstack.yml']
-def get_groups_from_server(server_vars, namegroup=True):
- groups = []
- region = server_vars['region']
- cloud = server_vars['cloud']
- metadata = server_vars.get('metadata', {})
- # Create a group for the cloud
- groups.append(cloud)
- # Create a group on region
- groups.append(region)
- # And one by cloud_region
- groups.append("%s_%s" % (cloud, region))
- # Check if group metadata key in servers' metadata
- if 'group' in metadata:
- groups.append(metadata['group'])
- for extra_group in metadata.get('groups', '').split(','):
- if extra_group:
- groups.append(extra_group.strip())
- groups.append('instance-%s' % server_vars['id'])
- if namegroup:
- groups.append(server_vars['name'])
- for key in ('flavor', 'image'):
- if 'name' in server_vars[key]:
- groups.append('%s-%s' % (key, server_vars[key]['name']))
- for key, value in iter(metadata.items()):
- groups.append('meta-%s_%s' % (key, value))
- az = server_vars.get('az', None)
- if az:
- # Make groups for az, region_az and cloud_region_az
- groups.append(az)
- groups.append('%s_%s' % (region, az))
- groups.append('%s_%s_%s' % (cloud, region, az))
- return groups
-def get_host_groups(inventory, refresh=False):
- (cache_file, cache_expiration_time) = get_cache_settings()
- if is_cache_stale(cache_file, cache_expiration_time, refresh=refresh):
- groups = to_json(get_host_groups_from_cloud(inventory))
- open(cache_file, 'w').write(groups)
- else:
- groups = open(cache_file, 'r').read()
- return groups
-def append_hostvars(hostvars, groups, key, server, namegroup=False):
- hostvars[key] = dict(
- ansible_ssh_host=server['interface_ip'],
- openstack=server)
- for group in get_groups_from_server(server, namegroup=namegroup):
- groups[group].append(key)
-def get_host_groups_from_cloud(inventory):
- groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
- firstpass = collections.defaultdict(list)
- hostvars = {}
- list_args = {}
- if hasattr(inventory, 'extra_config'):
- use_hostnames = inventory.extra_config['use_hostnames']
- list_args['expand'] = inventory.extra_config['expand_hostvars']
- if StrictVersion(shade.__version__) >= StrictVersion("1.6.0"):
- list_args['fail_on_cloud_config'] = \
- inventory.extra_config['fail_on_errors']
- else:
- use_hostnames = False
- for server in inventory.list_hosts(**list_args):
- if 'interface_ip' not in server:
- continue
- firstpass[server['name']].append(server)
- for name, servers in firstpass.items():
- if len(servers) == 1 and use_hostnames:
- append_hostvars(hostvars, groups, name, servers[0])
- else:
- server_ids = set()
- # Trap for duplicate results
- for server in servers:
- server_ids.add(server['id'])
- if len(server_ids) == 1 and use_hostnames:
- append_hostvars(hostvars, groups, name, servers[0])
- else:
- for server in servers:
- append_hostvars(
- hostvars, groups, server['id'], server,
- namegroup=True)
- groups['_meta'] = {'hostvars': hostvars}
- return groups
-def is_cache_stale(cache_file, cache_expiration_time, refresh=False):
- ''' Determines if cache file has expired, or if it is still valid '''
- if refresh:
- return True
- if os.path.isfile(cache_file) and os.path.getsize(cache_file) > 0:
- mod_time = os.path.getmtime(cache_file)
- current_time = time.time()
- if (mod_time + cache_expiration_time) > current_time:
- return False
- return True
-def get_cache_settings():
- config = os_client_config.config.OpenStackConfig(
- config_files=os_client_config.config.CONFIG_FILES + CONFIG_FILES)
- # For inventory-wide caching
- cache_expiration_time = config.get_cache_expiration_time()
- cache_path = config.get_cache_path()
- if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
- os.makedirs(cache_path)
- cache_file = os.path.join(cache_path, 'ansible-inventory.cache')
- return (cache_file, cache_expiration_time)
-def to_json(in_dict):
- return json.dumps(in_dict, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
-def parse_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OpenStack Inventory Module')
- parser.add_argument('--private',
- action='store_true',
- help='Use private address for ansible host')
- parser.add_argument('--refresh', action='store_true',
- help='Refresh cached information')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Enable debug output')
- group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
- group.add_argument('--list', action='store_true',
- help='List active servers')
- group.add_argument('--host', help='List details about the specific host')
- return parser.parse_args()
-def main():
- args = parse_args()
- try:
- config_files = os_client_config.config.CONFIG_FILES + CONFIG_FILES
- shade.simple_logging(debug=args.debug)
- inventory_args = dict(
- refresh=args.refresh,
- config_files=config_files,
- private=args.private,
- )
- if hasattr(shade.inventory.OpenStackInventory, 'extra_config'):
- inventory_args.update(dict(
- config_key='ansible',
- config_defaults={
- 'use_hostnames': False,
- 'expand_hostvars': True,
- 'fail_on_errors': True,
- }
- ))
- inventory = shade.inventory.OpenStackInventory(**inventory_args)
- if args.list:
- output = get_host_groups(inventory, refresh=args.refresh)
- elif
- output = to_json(inventory.get_host(
- print(output)
- except shade.OpenStackCloudException as e:
- sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e.message)
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()