#!/usr/bin/env python # flake8: noqa # pylint: skip-file ''' Script to determine if this commit has also been merged through the stage branch ''' # # Usage: # parent_check.py <branch> <commit_id> # # import sys import subprocess def run_cli_cmd(cmd, in_stdout=None, in_stderr=None): '''Run a command and return its output''' if not in_stderr: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, bufsize=-1, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) else: proc = subprocess.check_output(cmd, bufsize=-1, stdout=in_stdout, stderr=in_stderr, shell=False) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: return {"rc": proc.returncode, "error": stderr} else: return {"rc": proc.returncode, "result": stdout} def main(): '''Check to ensure that the commit that is currently being submitted is also in the stage branch. if it is, succeed else, fail ''' branch = 'prod' if sys.argv[1] != branch: sys.exit(0) # git co stg results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'checkout', 'stg']) # git pull latest results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'pull']) # setup on the <prod> branch in git results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'checkout', 'prod']) results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'pull']) # merge the passed in commit into my current <branch> commit_id = sys.argv[2] results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'merge', commit_id]) # get the differences from stg and <branch> results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'rev-list', '--left-right', 'stg...prod']) # exit here with error code if the result coming back is an error if results['rc'] != 0: print results['error'] sys.exit(results['rc']) count = 0 # Each 'result' is a commit # Walk through each commit and see if it is in stg for commit in results['result'].split('\n'): # continue if it is already in stg if not commit or commit.startswith('<'): continue # remove the first char '>' commit = commit[1:] # check if any remote branches contain $commit results = run_cli_cmd(['/usr/bin/git', 'branch', '-q', '-r', '--contains', commit], in_stderr=None) # if this comes back empty, nothing contains it, we can skip it as # we have probably created the merge commit here locally if results['rc'] == 0 and len(results['result']) == 0: continue # The results generally contain origin/pr/246/merge and origin/pr/246/head # this is the pull request which would contain the commit in question. # # If the results do not contain origin/stg then stage does not contain # the commit in question. Therefore we need to alert! if 'origin/stg' not in results['result']: print "\nFAILED: (These commits are not in stage.)\n" print "\t%s" % commit count += 1 # Exit with count of commits in #{branch} but not stg sys.exit(count) if __name__ == '__main__': main()