- name: Launch instance(s)
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
  - vars.yml
  - fail:
      msg: "Deployment type not supported for OpenStack provider yet"
    when: deployment_type == 'online'

  # TODO: Write an Ansible module for dealing with HEAT stacks
  #       Dealing with the outputs is currently terrible

  - name: Check OpenStack stack
    command: 'heat stack-show openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack'
    register: stack_show_result
    changed_when: false
    failed_when: stack_show_result.rc != 0 and 'Stack not found' not in stack_show_result.stderr

  - name: Create OpenStack Stack
    command: 'heat stack-create -f {{ openstack_infra_heat_stack }}
             -P cluster_id={{ cluster_id }}
             -P dns_nameservers={{ openstack_network_dns | join(",") }}
             -P cidr={{ openstack_network_cidr }}
             -P ssh_incoming={{ openstack_ssh_access_from }}
             -P num_masters={{ num_masters }}
             -P num_nodes={{ num_nodes }}
             -P num_infra={{ num_infra }}
             -P master_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P node_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P infra_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P master_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["master"] }}
             -P node_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["node"] }}
             -P infra_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["infra"] }}
             -P ssh_public_key="{{ openstack_ssh_public_key }}"
             openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack'
    when: stack_show_result.rc == 1

  - name: Update OpenStack Stack
    command: 'heat stack-update -f {{ openstack_infra_heat_stack }}
             -P cluster_id={{ cluster_id }}
             -P dns_nameservers={{ openstack_network_dns | join(",") }}
             -P cidr={{ openstack_network_cidr }}
             -P ssh_incoming={{ openstack_ssh_access_from }}
             -P num_masters={{ num_masters }}
             -P num_nodes={{ num_nodes }}
             -P num_infra={{ num_infra }}
             -P master_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P node_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P infra_image={{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].image }}
             -P master_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["master"] }}
             -P node_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["node"] }}
             -P infra_flavor={{ openstack_flavor["infra"] }}
             -P ssh_public_key="{{ openstack_ssh_public_key }}"
             openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack'
    when: stack_show_result.rc == 0

  - name: Wait for OpenStack Stack readiness
    shell: 'heat stack-show openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack | awk ''$2 == "stack_status" {print $4}'''
    register: stack_show_status_result
    until: stack_show_status_result.stdout not in ['CREATE_IN_PROGRESS', 'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS']
    retries: 30
    delay: 1
    failed_when: stack_show_status_result.stdout not in ['CREATE_COMPLETE', 'UPDATE_COMPLETE']

  - name: Read OpenStack Stack outputs
    command: 'heat stack-show openshift-ansible-{{ cluster_id }}-stack'
    register: stack_show_result

  - set_fact:
      parsed_outputs: "{{ stack_show_result | oo_parse_heat_stack_outputs }}"

  - name: Add new master instances groups and variables
      hostname: '{{ item[0] }}'
      ansible_ssh_host: '{{ item[2] }}'
      ansible_ssh_user: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }}"
      ansible_sudo: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].sudo }}"
      groups: 'tag_env_{{ cluster_id }}, tag_host-type_master, tag_env-host-type_{{ cluster_id }}-openshift-master, tag_sub-host-type_default'
      - parsed_outputs.master_names
      - parsed_outputs.master_ips
      - parsed_outputs.master_floating_ips

  - name: Add new node instances groups and variables
      hostname: '{{ item[0] }}'
      ansible_ssh_host: '{{ item[2] }}'
      ansible_ssh_user: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }}"
      ansible_sudo: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].sudo }}"
      groups: 'tag_env_{{ cluster_id }}, tag_host-type_node, tag_env-host-type_{{ cluster_id }}-openshift-node, tag_sub-host-type_compute'
      - parsed_outputs.node_names
      - parsed_outputs.node_ips
      - parsed_outputs.node_floating_ips

  - name: Add new infra instances groups and variables
      hostname: '{{ item[0] }}'
      ansible_ssh_host: '{{ item[2] }}'
      ansible_ssh_user: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }}"
      ansible_sudo: "{{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].sudo }}"
      groups: 'tag_env_{{ cluster_id }}, tag_host-type_node, tag_env-host-type_{{ cluster_id }}-openshift-node, tag_sub-host-type_infra'
      - parsed_outputs.infra_names
      - parsed_outputs.infra_ips
      - parsed_outputs.infra_floating_ips

  - name: Wait for ssh
      host: '{{ item }}'
      port: 22
      - parsed_outputs.master_floating_ips
      - parsed_outputs.node_floating_ips
      - parsed_outputs.infra_floating_ips

  - name: Wait for user setup
    command: 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null {{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }}@{{ item }} echo {{ deployment_vars[deployment_type].ssh_user }} user is setup'
    register: result
    until: result.rc == 0
    retries: 30
    delay: 1
      - parsed_outputs.master_floating_ips
      - parsed_outputs.node_floating_ips
      - parsed_outputs.infra_floating_ips

- include: update.yml

- include: list.yml