## Contiv

Install Contiv components (netmaster, netplugin, contiv_etcd) on Master and Minion nodes 

## Requirements

* Ansible 2.2
* Centos/ RHEL

## Current Contiv restrictions when used with Openshift

* Openshift Origin only 
* VLAN encap mode only (default for Openshift Ansible)
* Bare metal deployments only
* Requires additional network configuration on the external physical routers (ref. Openshift docs Contiv section)

## Key Ansible inventory configuration parameters

* ``openshift_use_contiv=True``
* ``openshift_use_openshift_sdn=False``
* ``os_sdn_network_plugin_name='cni'``
* ``contiv_netmaster_interface=eth0``
* ``contiv_netplugin_interface=eth1``
* ref. Openshift docs Contiv section for more details

## Example bare metal deployment of Openshift + Contiv 

* Example bare metal deployment


* contiv241 is a Master + minion node
* contiv242 and contiv243 are minion nodes
* VLANs 1001, 1002 used for contiv container networks
* VLAN 10 used for cluster-internal host network 
* VLANs added to isolated VRF on external physical switch 
* Static routes added on external switch as shown to allow routing between host and container networks
* External switch also used for public internet access