
# Makefile for OpenShift: Atomic Quick Installer
# useful targets (not all implemented yet!):
#   make clean               -- Clean up garbage
#   make ci ------------------- Execute CI steps (for travis or jenkins)


# > VARIABLE = value
# Normal setting of a variable - values within it are recursively
# expanded when the variable is USED, not when it's declared.
# > VARIABLE := value
# Setting of a variable with simple expansion of the values inside -
# values within it are expanded at DECLARATION time.


NAME := oo-install
TESTPACKAGE := oo-install
SHORTNAME := ooinstall

sdist: clean
	python setup.py sdist
	rm -fR $(SHORTNAME).egg-info

	@find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete
	@find . -type f \( -name "*~" -or -name "#*" \) -delete
	@rm -fR build dist rpm-build MANIFEST htmlcov .coverage cover ooinstall.egg-info oo-install
	@rm -fR $(NAME)env

	xdg-open cover/index.html

	@echo "#############################################"
	@echo "# Creating a virtualenv"
	@echo "#############################################"
	virtualenv $(NAME)env
	 . $(NAME)env/bin/activate && pip install setuptools==17.1.1
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && pip install -r test-requirements.txt
#       If there are any special things to install do it here
#       . $(NAME)env/bin/activate && INSTALL STUFF

	@echo "#############################################"
	@echo "# Running Unit Tests in virtualenv"
	@echo "#############################################"
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-min-percentage=70 --cover-package=$(SHORTNAME) test/
	@echo "VIEW CODE COVERAGE REPORT WITH 'xdg-open cover/index.html' or run 'make viewcover'"

	@echo "#############################################"
	@echo "# Running PyLint Tests in virtualenv"
	@echo "#############################################"
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && python -m pylint --rcfile ../git/.pylintrc src/ooinstall/cli_installer.py src/ooinstall/oo_config.py src/ooinstall/openshift_ansible.py src/ooinstall/variants.py

	@echo "#############################################"
	@echo "# Listing all pip deps"
	@echo "#############################################"
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && pip freeze

	@echo "#################################################"
	@echo "# Running Pyflakes Compliance Tests in virtualenv"
	@echo "#################################################"
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && pyflakes src/ooinstall/*.py

	@echo "#############################################"
	@echo "# Running PEP8 Compliance Tests in virtualenv"
	@echo "#############################################"
	. $(NAME)env/bin/activate && pep8 --ignore=E501,E121,E124 src/$(SHORTNAME)/

ci: clean virtualenv ci-list-deps ci-pep8 ci-pylint ci-pyflakes ci-unittests