# STARTX docker-images repository

Docker container images all based on red hat like distributions. Actually you can find fedora and centos.

## Running container from docker registry images

### Operating Systems
| OS                  | Command                                                              |
| Fedora Core         | `docker run -it --name="fedora" startx/fedora bash`                  | 
| CentOS              | `docker run -it --name="centos" startx/centos bash`                  |

### Services
| Services            | Command                                                              |
| **Apache**          | `docker run -d -p 80:80 --name="apache" startx/sv-apache`            | 
| **MariaDB**         | `docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name="mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb`      | 
| **Memcache**        | `docker run -d -p 11211:11211 --name="memcache" startx/sv-memcache`  | 
| **MongoDB**         | `docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name="mongo" startx/sv-mongo`        | 
| **nodejs**          | `docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name="nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs`        | 
| **ooconv**          | `docker run -d -p XXX:XXX --name="ooconv" startx/sv-ooconv`          | 
| **php**             | `docker run -d -p 80:80 --name="php" startx/sv-php`                  | 
| **postgreSQL**      | `docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name="postgres" startx/sv-postgres`    | 
| **SSH**             | `docker run -d -p 22:22 --name="ssh" startx/sv-ssh`                  | 

### Applications
| Applications        | Command                                                              |
| **PhpMyAdmin**      | `docker run -d -p 80:80 --name="pma" startx/app-pma`                 | 
| **RockMongo**       | `docker run -d -p 80:80 --name="rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo`     | 

## Flavors (tags) for Red Hat like container's

This repository offer various flavour of Red Hat like distribution. Tag `:latest` is actually pointing to fedora core 20

### Operating Systems
| OS            | Docker Hub repository          | Flavour                |
| Fedora Core   | `startx/fedora`                | `:latest` `:20` `:21`  | 
| CentOS        | `startx/centos`                | `:6` `:7`              |

### Services
| Service    | Docker Hub repository | Fedora                    | CentOS                |
| Apache     | `startx/sv-apache`    | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| MariaDB    | `startx/sv-mariadb`   | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| Memcache   | `startx/sv-memcache`  | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| MongoDB    | `startx/sv-mongo`     | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| nodejs     | `startx/sv-nodejs`    | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| ooconv     | `startx/sv-ooconv`    | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| php        | `startx/sv-php`       | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| postgreSQL | `startx/sv-postgres`  | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| SSH        | `startx/sv-ssh`       | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |

### Applications
| Service    | Docker Hub repository | Fedora                    | CentOS                |
| PhpMyAdmin | `startx/sv-pma`       | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |
| RockMongo  | `startx/sv-rockmongo` | `:latest` `:fc20` `:fc21` | `:centos6` `:centos7` |

### Running sample container's

#### Fedora Core latest (actually fc20) container's

	# For Fedora example, port start from 50100
	docker run -d -it --name="fedora" startx/fedora bash
	docker run -d -p 50100:80 --name="fedora-apache" startx/sv-apache
	docker run -d -p 50101:3306 --name="fedora-mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb
	docker run -d -p 50102:11211 --name="fedora-memcache" startx/sv-memcache
	docker run -d -p 50103:27017 --name="fedora-mongo" startx/sv-mongo
	docker run -d -p 50104:8000 --name="fedora-nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs
	docker run -d -p 50105:80 --name="fedora-php" startx/sv-php
	docker run -d -p 50106:5432 --name="fedora-postgres" startx/sv-postgres
	docker run -d -p 50107:22 --name="fedora-ssh" startx/sv-ssh
	docker run -d -p 50108:80 --name="fedora-pma" startx/app-pma
	docker run -d -p 50109:80 --name="fedora-rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo

#### Fedora Core 20 container's

	# For Fedora core 20 example, port start from 50200
	docker run -d -it --name="fedora20" startx/fedora:20 bash
	docker run -d -p 50200:80 --name="fedora20-apache" startx/sv-apache:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50201:3306 --name="fedora20-mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50202:11211 --name="fedora20-memcache" startx/sv-memcache:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50203:27017 --name="fedora20-mongo" startx/sv-mongo:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50204:8000 --name="fedora20-nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50205:80 --name="fedora20-php" startx/sv-php:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50206:5432 --name="fedora20-postgres" startx/sv-postgres:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50207:22 --name="fedora20-ssh" startx/sv-ssh:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50208:80 --name="fedora20-pma" startx/app-pma:fc20
	docker run -d -p 50209:80 --name="fedora20-rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo:fc20

#### Fedora Core 21 container's

	# For Fedora core 21 example, port start from 50300
	docker run -d -it --name="fedora21" startx/fedora:21 bash
	docker run -d -p 50300:80 --name="fedora21-apache" startx/sv-apache:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50301:3306 --name="fedora21-mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50302:11211 --name="fedora21-memcache" startx/sv-memcache:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50303:27017 --name="fedora21-mongo" startx/sv-mongo:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50304:8000 --name="fedora21-nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50305:80 --name="fedora21-php" startx/sv-php:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50306:5432 --name="fedora21-postgres" startx/sv-postgres:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50307:22 --name="fedora21-ssh" startx/sv-ssh:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50308:80 --name="fedora21-pma" startx/app-pma:fc21
	docker run -d -p 50309:80 --name="fedora21-rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo:fc21

#### CentOS 6 container's

	# For CentOS 6 example, port start from 50400
	docker run -d -it --name="centos6" startx/centos:6 bash
	docker run -d -p 50400:80 --name="centos6-apache" startx/sv-apache:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50401:3306 --name="centos6-mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50402:11211 --name="centos6-memcache" startx/sv-memcache:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50403:27017 --name="centos6-mongo" startx/sv-mongo:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50404:8000 --name="centos6-nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50405:80 --name="centos6-php" startx/sv-php:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50406:5432 --name="centos6-postgres" startx/sv-postgres:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50407:22 --name="centos6-ssh" startx/sv-ssh:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50408:80 --name="centos6-pma" startx/app-pma:centos6
	docker run -d -p 50409:80 --name="centos6-rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo:centos6

#### CentOS 7 container's

	# For CentOS 7 example, port start from 50500
	docker run -d -it --name="centos7" startx/centos:7 bash
	docker run -d -p 50500:80 --name="centos7-apache" startx/sv-apache:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50501:3306 --name="centos7-mariadb" startx/sv-mariadb:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50502:11211 --name="centos7-memcache" startx/sv-memcache:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50503:27017 --name="centos7-mongo" startx/sv-mongo:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50504:8000 --name="centos7-nodejs" startx/sv-nodejs:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50505:80 --name="centos7-php" startx/sv-php:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50506:5432 --name="centos7-postgres" startx/sv-postgres:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50507:22 --name="centos7-ssh" startx/sv-ssh:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50508:80 --name="centos7-pma" startx/app-pma:centos7
	docker run -d -p 50509:80 --name="centos7-rockmongo" startx/app-rockmongo:centos7

## Build and run from local Dockerfile
### Building docker image
Copy sources in your docker host / build server

	mkdir startx-docker-images; 
	cd startx-docker-images;
	git clone https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images.git .

Build the container

	docker build -t <tag_name> <path_to_Dockerfile>

### Running local image
Running an interactive image and get access to shell

	docker run -it <image_name> <cmd>

Running an image as a daemon

	docker run -d <image_name>
	docker exec -it <image_name> <cmd>

## Related Resources
* [Sources files](https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images/tree/master/)
* [Github STARTX profile](https://github.com/startxfr/docker-images)
* [Docker registry for this container](https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/startx/fedora/)