Awesome Source CV [![Example](]( ================= ## About **Awesome Source Latex CV** is based on a CV template created by Alessandro Plasmati. The original template use _XeLaTeX_ engine and _[Fontin Sans]( font. More informations about the original Alessandro Plasmati template can be found here : - [ Scribd ]( - [ LaTeX Templates ]( - [ ShareLatex ]( **Personal data** has moved on top of the first page just before the position and _[Fontin Sans]( font has been replaced by _[Source Sans Pro Font]( from Adobe. _[Font Awesome]( icons are used to highlight important elements. Unlike _Alessandro Plasmati_ CV template, all layout stuff in **Awesome Source Latex CV** has moved in the Latex class file _awesome-source-cv.cls_. ## Quick start You can edit online **Awesome Source Latex CV** on [Overleaf]( Feel free to use my [referal link]( if you want to create your account. ## How to use **Awesome Source CV** latex class ### Use the **Awesome Source CV** options When declaring the `\documentclass` you can use some option(s) to customize your CV rendering. ```latex % Used with no option, the template will use the 'traditional' % header layout your system fonts and the default color scheme ie. blue \documentclass{awesome-source-cv} % Used with localFont option the template will use the 'traditional' % header layout, fonts included in the fonts directory and the default color scheme \documentclass[localFont]{awesome-source-cv} % Used with localFont option, the template will use the 'alternative' % header layout, your system fonts and the default color scheme \documentclass[alternative]{awesome-source-cv} ``` ### Construct the header Outside of the `\socialinfo` wrapper you have to define the mandatory parameters `\name` and `\tagline`. ```latex % Define author's name % Usage: \name{}{} % Mandatory \name{Christophe}{ROGER} % Define author's photo (optional) % Usage \photo{}{} \photo{2.5cm}{darwiin} % Define author's tagline % Usage: \tagline{} % Mandatory \tagline{Chef de projet IT} ``` Most social network have their command to render a clickable link or a simple text entry. ```latex % Render author's linked-in (optional) % Usage: \linkedin{} \linkedin{christopheroger} % Render author's viadeo(optional) % Usage: \viadeo{} \viadeo{christopheroger} % Render author's github (optional) % Usage: \github{} \github{darwiin} % Render author's email (optional) % Usage: \email{} \email{} ``` Put these command in the `\socialinfo` wrapper. Feel free to add `\\` when you want to force a new line. ```latex \socialinfo{ \linkedin{christopheroger} \viadeo{christopheroger} \github{darwiin}\\ \smartphone{+687 123 456} \email{}\\ \address{2 Rue du quartier, 98765 Ville, Pays}\\ \infos{Né le 23 septembre 1982 (34 ans) à Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie} } ``` Use the `\makecvheader`command to generate the header. ```latex \makecvheader ``` ### Construct the _experiences_ section To describe your experiences you have first to declare the `experiences` environment ```latex % Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro \begin{experiences} % Here's go your experiences \end{experiences} ``` Then you can describe your experiences using **\experience** and **\consultantexperience** entries. Each entry must be separated by the **\emptyseparator** ```latex % Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro \begin{experiences} % The experience entry work as below and can be used to describe a job experience \experience {End date} {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country} {Begin date} { experience details \begin{itemize} \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_ \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_ \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_ \end{itemize} } {Technology highlights} % The emptyseparator macro is used to create white space in your experience \emptySeparator % The consultantexperience macro is very similar to the experience macro, but offer you % the possibility tu put client details \consultantexperience {End date} {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country} {Begin date} {Client job title}{Clent enterprise} { experience details \begin{itemize} \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_ \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_ \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_ \end{itemize} } {Technology highlights} \end{experiences} ``` ### Construct the _languages_ section The _languages_ section use the *skills* environment. ```latex % Begin a new skills environment and fill it with skill entries \begin{skills} % Render a skill in the skills environment % Usage: \skill{}{} \skill{Français}{5} \skill{Anglais}{4} % End the skills environment \end{skills} ``` ## License Latex class file _awesome-source-cv.cls_ is published under the term of the [LPPL Version 1.3c]( All content files are published under the term of the [CC BY-SA 4.0 License](