\name{Dr. Suren A. Chilingaryan}{}
\tagline{Data Processing and Performance Expert | Lead of Cloud Computing }

%    \smartphone{+49 (176) 438-53094}

%    \orcid{0000-0002-2909-6363}{OrcID}
%    \rg{Suren-Chilingaryan-2}{ResearchGate}

%    \address{17 Rue de Bretagne, 98835 Dumbéa, Nouvelle-Calédonie}\\
%    \infos{Né le 23 septembre 1982 (35 ans) à Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie}

    I do research in high-performance and heterogeneous computing and apply it to architect online systems for scientific instrumentation.
    With improvements in detector technology, I believe new approaches are required to keep pace with the increasing data rates.
    Codesign of hardware, software, and analysis algorithms is often a key to successful projects.
    %With deep knowledge across computer science and IT technology, I can grasp complex systems as a whole and pay attention to the performance of critical components.
    Currently, I lead an effort to adopt cloud technologies for data acquisition and control systems.



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