0.3.x: - Buffer managment: + SetBufferSize ( 0 - autogrow ) - Language autodetection and translation improvements + Look on ofline translation libraries and other possibilities to improove translation and language detection. + Implement ispell support + Configurable timeouts 1.x: - Common encodings: + Provide way to add to all languages several default Unicode encodings (UTF8, UTF16, UTF16BE) + Special type of classes to select only from Unicode encodings (or even just specified subset of encodings) + Special pluggable encodings. For example translate to english. * rccToEncoding(current_language, *new_language, buf, size)? * rccFromEncoding(current_language, utf8_language, buf, size)? * Code some options in charset name. (SpecialEncodingPrefix_Encoding_EncodingOptions) - Recoding options: + Skip Translation on request: - Multibyte(not-UTF8) support for FS classes