/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2012 iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp Contact: astra@ua.ac.be Website: http://astra.ua.ac.be This file is part of the All Scale Tomographic Reconstruction Antwerp Toolbox ("ASTRA Toolbox"). The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ #include "util3d.h" #include "dims3d.h" #include "darthelper3d.h" #include <cassert> namespace astraCUDA3d { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __global__ void devDartSmoothing(cudaPitchedPtr out, cudaPitchedPtr in, float b, SDimensions3D dims) { unsigned int x = threadIdx.x + 16*blockIdx.x; unsigned int y = threadIdx.y + 16*blockIdx.y; // Sacrifice the border pixels to simplify the implementation. if (x > 0 && x < dims.iVolX - 1 && y > 0 && y < dims.iVolY - 1) { float* d = (float*)in.ptr; float* m = (float*)out.ptr; unsigned int index; unsigned int p = (out.pitch >> 2); for (unsigned int z = 0; z <= dims.iVolZ-1; z++) { float res = 0.0f; // bottom slice if (z > 0) { index = ((z-1)*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; res += d[index-p-1] + d[index-p] + d[index-p+1] + d[index -1] + d[index ] + d[index +1] + d[index+p-1] + d[index+p] + d[index+p+1]; } // top slice if (z < dims.iVolZ-1) { index = ((z+1)*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; res += d[index-p-1] + d[index-p] + d[index-p+1] + d[index -1] + d[index ] + d[index +1] + d[index+p-1] + d[index+p] + d[index+p+1]; } // same slice index = (z*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; res += d[index-p-1] + d[index-p] + d[index-p+1] + d[index -1] + d[index +1] + d[index+p-1] + d[index+p] + d[index+p+1]; // result m[index] = (1.0f-b) * d[index] + b * 0.038461538f * res; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void dartSmoothing(float* out, const float* in, float b, unsigned int radius, SDimensions3D dims) { cudaPitchedPtr D_inData; D_inData = allocateVolumeData(dims); copyVolumeToDevice(in, D_inData, dims); cudaPitchedPtr D_outData; D_outData = allocateVolumeData(dims); copyVolumeToDevice(out, D_outData, dims); dim3 blockSize(16,16); dim3 gridSize((dims.iVolX+15)/16, (dims.iVolY+15)/16); devDartSmoothing<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(D_outData, D_inData, b, dims); copyVolumeFromDevice(out, D_outData, dims); cudaFree(D_outData.ptr); cudaFree(D_inData.ptr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUDA function for the masking of DART with a radius == 1 __global__ void devDartMasking(cudaPitchedPtr mask, cudaPitchedPtr in, unsigned int conn, SDimensions3D dims) { unsigned int x = threadIdx.x + 16*blockIdx.x; unsigned int y = threadIdx.y + 16*blockIdx.y; // Sacrifice the border pixels to simplify the implementation. if (x > 0 && x < dims.iVolX - 1 && y > 0 && y < dims.iVolY - 1) { float* d = (float*)in.ptr; float* m = (float*)mask.ptr; unsigned int index; unsigned int p = (in.pitch >> 2); for (unsigned int z = 0; z <= dims.iVolZ-1; z++) { unsigned int o2 = (z*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; m[o2] = 0.0f; // bottom slice if (z > 0) { index = ((z-1)*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; if ((conn == 26 && (d[index-p-1] != d[o2] || d[index-p] != d[o2] || d[index-p+1] != d[o2] || d[index -1] != d[o2] || d[index ] != d[o2] || d[index +1] != d[o2] || d[index+p-1] != d[o2] || d[index+p] != d[o2] || d[index+p+1] != d[o2] )) || (conn == 6 && d[index] != d[o2])) { m[o2] = 1.0f; continue; } } // top slice if (z < dims.iVolZ-1) { index = ((z+1)*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; if ((conn == 26 && (d[index-p-1] != d[o2] || d[index-p] != d[o2] || d[index-p+1] != d[o2] || d[index -1] != d[o2] || d[index ] != d[o2] || d[index +1] != d[o2] || d[index+p-1] != d[o2] || d[index+p] != d[o2] || d[index+p+1] != d[o2] )) || (conn == 6 && d[index] != d[o2])) { m[o2] = 1.0f; continue; } } // other slices index = (z*dims.iVolY + y) * p + x; if ((conn == 26 && (d[index-p-1] != d[o2] || d[index-p] != d[o2] || d[index-p+1] != d[o2] || d[index -1] != d[o2] || d[index +1] != d[o2] || d[index+p-1] != d[o2] || d[index+p] != d[o2] || d[index+p+1] != d[o2] )) || (conn == 6 && ( d[index-p] != d[o2] || d[index -1] != d[o2] || d[index +1] != d[o2] || d[index+p] != d[o2] ))) { m[o2] = 1.0f; continue; } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void dartMasking(float* mask, const float* segmentation, unsigned int conn, unsigned int radius, unsigned int threshold, SDimensions3D dims) { cudaPitchedPtr D_maskData; D_maskData = allocateVolumeData(dims); copyVolumeToDevice(mask, D_maskData, dims); cudaPitchedPtr D_segmentationData; D_segmentationData = allocateVolumeData(dims); copyVolumeToDevice(segmentation, D_segmentationData, dims); dim3 blockSize(16,16); dim3 gridSize((dims.iVolX+15)/16, (dims.iVolY+15)/16); if (threshold == 1 && radius == 1) devDartMasking<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(D_maskData, D_segmentationData, conn, dims); //else if (threshold > 1 && radius == 1) // devADartMask<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(D_maskData, D_segmentationData, conn, threshold, pitch, width, height, 1, 1); //else if (threshold == 1 && radius > 1) // devDartMaskRadius<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(D_maskData, D_segmentationData, conn, radius, pitch, width, height, 1, 1); //else // devADartMaskRadius<<<gridSize, blockSize>>>(D_maskData, D_segmentationData, conn, radius, threshold, pitch, width, height, 1, 1); copyVolumeFromDevice(mask, D_maskData, dims); cudaFree(D_maskData.ptr); cudaFree(D_segmentationData.ptr); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool setGPUIndex(int iGPUIndex) { if (iGPUIndex != -1) { cudaSetDevice(iGPUIndex); cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); // Ignore errors caused by calling cudaSetDevice multiple times if (err != cudaSuccess && err != cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess) return false; } return true; } }