Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp
2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam
Contact: astra@astra-toolbox.com
Website: http://www.astra-toolbox.com/
This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox.
The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see .
#include "astra/cuda/3d/util3d.h"
#include "astra/cuda/3d/dims3d.h"
#include "astra/cuda/3d/arith3d.h"
#include "astra/cuda/3d/cone_bp.h"
#include "astra/cuda/2d/fft.h"
#include "astra/Logging.h"
namespace astraCUDA3d {
static const unsigned int g_anglesPerWeightBlock = 16;
static const unsigned int g_detBlockU = 32;
static const unsigned int g_detBlockV = 32;
static const unsigned g_MaxAngles = 12000;
__constant__ float gC_angle[g_MaxAngles];
// TODO: To support non-cube voxels, preweighting needs per-view
// parameters. NB: Need to properly take into account the
// anisotropic volume normalization done for that too.
__global__ void devFDK_preweight(void* D_projData, unsigned int projPitch, unsigned int startAngle, unsigned int endAngle, float fSrcOrigin, float fDetOrigin, float fZShift, float fDetUSize, float fDetVSize, const SDimensions3D dims)
float* projData = (float*)D_projData;
int angle = startAngle + blockIdx.y * g_anglesPerWeightBlock + threadIdx.y;
if (angle >= endAngle)
const int detectorU = (blockIdx.x%((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockU + threadIdx.x;
const int startDetectorV = (blockIdx.x/((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockV;
int endDetectorV = startDetectorV + g_detBlockV;
if (endDetectorV > dims.iProjV)
endDetectorV = dims.iProjV;
// We need the length of the central ray and the length of the ray(s) to
// our detector pixel(s).
const float fCentralRayLength = fSrcOrigin + fDetOrigin;
const float fU = (detectorU - 0.5f*dims.iProjU + 0.5f) * fDetUSize;
const float fT = fCentralRayLength * fCentralRayLength + fU * fU;
float fV = (startDetectorV - 0.5f*dims.iProjV + 0.5f) * fDetVSize + fZShift;
// Contributions to the weighting factors:
// fCentralRayLength / fRayLength : the main FDK preweighting factor
// fSrcOrigin / (fDetUSize * fCentralRayLength)
// : to adjust the filter to the det width
// pi / (2 * iProjAngles) : scaling of the integral over angles
const float fW2 = fCentralRayLength / (fDetUSize * fSrcOrigin);
const float fW = fCentralRayLength * fW2 * (M_PI / 2.0f) / (float)dims.iProjAngles;
for (int detectorV = startDetectorV; detectorV < endDetectorV; ++detectorV)
const float fRayLength = sqrtf(fT + fV * fV);
const float fWeight = fW / fRayLength;
projData[(detectorV*dims.iProjAngles+angle)*projPitch+detectorU] *= fWeight;
fV += fDetVSize;
__global__ void devFDK_ParkerWeight(void* D_projData, unsigned int projPitch, unsigned int startAngle, unsigned int endAngle, float fSrcOrigin, float fDetOrigin, float fDetUSize, float fCentralFanAngle, float fScale, const SDimensions3D dims)
float* projData = (float*)D_projData;
int angle = startAngle + blockIdx.y * g_anglesPerWeightBlock + threadIdx.y;
if (angle >= endAngle)
const int detectorU = (blockIdx.x%((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockU + threadIdx.x;
const int startDetectorV = (blockIdx.x/((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)) * g_detBlockV;
int endDetectorV = startDetectorV + g_detBlockV;
if (endDetectorV > dims.iProjV)
endDetectorV = dims.iProjV;
// We need the length of the central ray and the length of the projection
// of our ray onto the central slice
const float fCentralRayLength = fSrcOrigin + fDetOrigin;
// TODO: Detector pixel size
const float fU = (detectorU - 0.5f*dims.iProjU + 0.5f) * fDetUSize;
const float fGamma = atanf(fU / fCentralRayLength);
float fBeta = gC_angle[angle];
// compute the weight depending on the location in the central fan's radon
// space
float fWeight;
if (fBeta <= 0.0f) {
fWeight = 0.0f;
} else if (fBeta <= 2.0f*(fCentralFanAngle + fGamma)) {
fWeight = sinf((M_PI / 4.0f) * fBeta / (fCentralFanAngle + fGamma));
fWeight *= fWeight;
} else if (fBeta <= M_PI + 2*fGamma) {
fWeight = 1.0f;
} else if (fBeta <= M_PI + 2*fCentralFanAngle) {
fWeight = sinf((M_PI / 4.0f) * (M_PI + 2.0f*fCentralFanAngle - fBeta) / (fCentralFanAngle - fGamma));
fWeight *= fWeight;
} else {
fWeight = 0.0f;
fWeight *= fScale;
for (int detectorV = startDetectorV; detectorV < endDetectorV; ++detectorV)
projData[(detectorV*dims.iProjAngles+angle)*projPitch+detectorU] *= fWeight;
// Perform the FDK pre-weighting and filtering
bool FDK_PreWeight(cudaPitchedPtr D_projData,
float fSrcOrigin, float fDetOrigin,
float fZShift,
float fDetUSize, float fDetVSize,
bool bShortScan,
const SDimensions3D& dims, const float* angles)
// The pre-weighting factor for a ray is the cosine of the angle between
// the central line and the ray.
dim3 dimBlock(g_detBlockU, g_anglesPerWeightBlock);
dim3 dimGrid( ((dims.iProjU+g_detBlockU-1)/g_detBlockU)*((dims.iProjV+g_detBlockV-1)/g_detBlockV),
int projPitch = D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float);
devFDK_preweight<<>>(D_projData.ptr, projPitch, 0, dims.iProjAngles, fSrcOrigin, fDetOrigin, fZShift, fDetUSize, fDetVSize, dims);
if (!checkCuda(cudaThreadSynchronize(), "FDK_PreWeight"))
return false;
if (bShortScan && dims.iProjAngles > 1) {
ASTRA_DEBUG("Doing Parker weighting");
// We do short-scan Parker weighting
// First, determine (in a very basic way) the interval that's
// been scanned. We assume angles[0] is one of the endpoints of the
// range.
float fdA = angles[1] - angles[0];
while (fdA < -M_PI)
fdA += 2*M_PI;
while (fdA >= M_PI)
fdA -= 2*M_PI;
float fAngleBase;
if (fdA >= 0.0f) {
// going up from angles[0]
fAngleBase = angles[0];
ASTRA_DEBUG("Second angle >= first angle, so assuming angles are incrementing");
} else {
// going down from angles[0]
fAngleBase = angles[dims.iProjAngles - 1];
ASTRA_DEBUG("Second angle < first angle, so assuming angles are decrementing");
// We pick the lowest end of the range, and then
// move all angles so they fall in [0,2pi)
float *fRelAngles = new float[dims.iProjAngles];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.iProjAngles; ++i) {
float f = angles[i] - fAngleBase;
while (f >= 2*M_PI)
f -= 2*M_PI;
while (f < 0)
f += 2*M_PI;
fRelAngles[i] = f;
float fRange = fabs(fRelAngles[dims.iProjAngles-1] - fRelAngles[0]);
// Adjust for discretisation
fRange /= dims.iProjAngles - 1;
fRange *= dims.iProjAngles;
ASTRA_DEBUG("Assuming angles are linearly ordered and equally spaced for Parker weighting. Angular range %f radians", fRange);
float fScale = fRange / M_PI;
cudaError_t e1 = cudaMemcpyToSymbol(gC_angle, fRelAngles,
dims.iProjAngles*sizeof(float), 0,
delete[] fRelAngles;
float fCentralFanAngle = fabs(atanf(fDetUSize * (dims.iProjU*0.5f) /
(fSrcOrigin + fDetOrigin)));
if (fRange + 1e-3 < M_PI + 2*fCentralFanAngle) {
ASTRA_WARN("Angular range (%f rad) smaller than Parker weighting range (%f rad)", fRange, M_PI + 2*fCentralFanAngle);
devFDK_ParkerWeight<<>>(D_projData.ptr, projPitch, 0, dims.iProjAngles, fSrcOrigin, fDetOrigin, fDetUSize, fCentralFanAngle, fScale, dims);
if (!checkCuda(cudaThreadSynchronize(), "FDK_PreWeight ParkerWeight"))
return false;
return true;
bool FDK_Filter(cudaPitchedPtr D_projData,
const float *pfFilter,
const SDimensions3D& dims)
// The filtering is a regular ramp filter per detector line.
// Generate filter
// TODO: Check errors
int iPaddedDetCount = calcNextPowerOfTwo(2 * dims.iProjU);
int iHalfFFTSize = astra::calcFFTFourierSize(iPaddedDetCount);
cufftComplex *pHostFilter = new cufftComplex[dims.iProjAngles * iHalfFFTSize];
memset(pHostFilter, 0, sizeof(cufftComplex) * dims.iProjAngles * iHalfFFTSize);
if (pfFilter == 0){
astra::SFilterConfig filter;
filter.m_eType = astra::FILTER_RAMLAK;
astraCUDA::genCuFFTFilter(filter, dims.iProjAngles, pHostFilter, iPaddedDetCount, iHalfFFTSize);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < dims.iProjAngles * iHalfFFTSize; i++) {
pHostFilter[i].x = pfFilter[i];
pHostFilter[i].y = 0;
cufftComplex * D_filter;
astraCUDA::allocateComplexOnDevice(dims.iProjAngles, iHalfFFTSize, &D_filter);
astraCUDA::uploadComplexArrayToDevice(dims.iProjAngles, iHalfFFTSize, pHostFilter, D_filter);
delete [] pHostFilter;
int projPitch = D_projData.pitch/sizeof(float);
// We process one sinogram at a time.
float* D_sinoData = (float*)D_projData.ptr;
cufftComplex * D_sinoFFT = NULL;
astraCUDA::allocateComplexOnDevice(dims.iProjAngles, iHalfFFTSize, &D_sinoFFT);
bool ok = true;
for (int v = 0; v < dims.iProjV; ++v) {
ok = astraCUDA::runCudaFFT(dims.iProjAngles, D_sinoData, projPitch,
dims.iProjU, iPaddedDetCount, iHalfFFTSize,
if (!ok) break;
astraCUDA::applyFilter(dims.iProjAngles, iHalfFFTSize, D_sinoFFT, D_filter);
ok = astraCUDA::runCudaIFFT(dims.iProjAngles, D_sinoFFT, D_sinoData, projPitch,
dims.iProjU, iPaddedDetCount, iHalfFFTSize);
if (!ok) break;
D_sinoData += (dims.iProjAngles * projPitch);
return ok;
bool FDK(cudaPitchedPtr D_volumeData,
cudaPitchedPtr D_projData,
const SConeProjection* angles,
const SDimensions3D& dims, SProjectorParams3D params, bool bShortScan,
const float* pfFilter)
bool ok;
// NB: We don't support arbitrary cone_vec geometries here.
// Only those that are vertical sub-geometries
// (cf. CompositeGeometryManager) of regular cone geometries.
assert(dims.iProjAngles > 0);
const SConeProjection& p0 = angles[0];
// assuming U is in the XY plane, V is parallel to Z axis
float fDetCX = p0.fDetSX + 0.5*dims.iProjU*p0.fDetUX;
float fDetCY = p0.fDetSY + 0.5*dims.iProjU*p0.fDetUY;
float fDetCZ = p0.fDetSZ + 0.5*dims.iProjV*p0.fDetVZ;
float fSrcOrigin = sqrt(p0.fSrcX*p0.fSrcX + p0.fSrcY*p0.fSrcY);
float fDetOrigin = sqrt(fDetCX*fDetCX + fDetCY*fDetCY);
float fDetUSize = sqrt(p0.fDetUX*p0.fDetUX + p0.fDetUY*p0.fDetUY);
float fDetVSize = abs(p0.fDetVZ);
float fZShift = fDetCZ - p0.fSrcZ;
float *pfAngles = new float[dims.iProjAngles];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.iProjAngles; ++i) {
// FIXME: Sign/order
pfAngles[i] = -atan2(angles[i].fSrcX, angles[i].fSrcY) + M_PI;
#if 1
ok = FDK_PreWeight(D_projData, fSrcOrigin, fDetOrigin,
fZShift, fDetUSize, fDetVSize,
bShortScan, dims, pfAngles);
ok = true;
delete[] pfAngles;
if (!ok)
return false;
#if 1
// Perform filtering
ok = FDK_Filter(D_projData, pfFilter, dims);
if (!ok)
return false;
// Perform BP
params.bFDKWeighting = true;
//ok = FDK_BP(D_volumeData, D_projData, fSrcOrigin, fDetOrigin, 0.0f, 0.0f, fDetUSize, fDetVSize, dims, pfAngles);
ok = ConeBP(D_volumeData, D_projData, dims, angles, params);
if (!ok)
return false;
return true;