/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ template <typename Policy> void CParallelBeamLinearKernelProjector2D::project(Policy& p) { projectBlock_internal(0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getProjectionAngleCount(), 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p); } template <typename Policy> void CParallelBeamLinearKernelProjector2D::projectSingleProjection(int _iProjection, Policy& p) { projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1, 0, m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(), p); } template <typename Policy> void CParallelBeamLinearKernelProjector2D::projectSingleRay(int _iProjection, int _iDetector, Policy& p) { projectBlock_internal(_iProjection, _iProjection + 1, _iDetector, _iDetector + 1, p); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROJECT BLOCK - vector projection geometry template <typename Policy> void CParallelBeamLinearKernelProjector2D::projectBlock_internal(int _iProjFrom, int _iProjTo, int _iDetFrom, int _iDetTo, Policy& p) { // variables float32 detX, detY, x, y, c, r, update_c, update_r, offset; float32 lengthPerRow, lengthPerCol, inv_pixelLengthX, inv_pixelLengthY; int iVolumeIndex, iRayIndex, row, col, iAngle, iDetector, colCount, rowCount, detCount; const SParProjection * proj = 0; // get vector geometry const CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D* pVecProjectionGeometry; if (dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)) { pVecProjectionGeometry = dynamic_cast<CParallelProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry)->toVectorGeometry(); } else { pVecProjectionGeometry = dynamic_cast<CParallelVecProjectionGeometry2D*>(m_pProjectionGeometry); } // precomputations inv_pixelLengthX = 1.0f / m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX(); inv_pixelLengthY = 1.0f / m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY(); colCount = m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridColCount(); rowCount = m_pVolumeGeometry->getGridRowCount(); detCount = pVecProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount(); // loop angles for (iAngle = _iProjFrom; iAngle < _iProjTo; ++iAngle) { proj = &pVecProjectionGeometry->getProjectionVectors()[iAngle]; bool vertical = fabs(proj->fRayX) < fabs(proj->fRayY); if (vertical) { lengthPerRow = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX() * sqrt(proj->fRayY*proj->fRayY + proj->fRayX*proj->fRayX) / abs(proj->fRayY); update_c = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY() * (proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY) * inv_pixelLengthX; } else { lengthPerCol = m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthY() * sqrt(proj->fRayY*proj->fRayY + proj->fRayX*proj->fRayX) / abs(proj->fRayX); update_r = -m_pVolumeGeometry->getPixelLengthX() * (proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX) * inv_pixelLengthY; } // loop detectors for (iDetector = _iDetFrom; iDetector < _iDetTo; ++iDetector) { iRayIndex = iAngle * m_pProjectionGeometry->getDetectorCount() + iDetector; // POLICY: RAY PRIOR if (!p.rayPrior(iRayIndex)) continue; detX = proj->fDetSX + (iDetector+0.5f) * proj->fDetUX; detY = proj->fDetSY + (iDetector+0.5f) * proj->fDetUY; // vertically if (vertical) { // calculate x for row 0 x = detX + (proj->fRayX/proj->fRayY)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelRowToCenterY(0)-detY); c = (x - m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMinX()) * inv_pixelLengthX - 0.5f; // for each row for (row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row, c += update_c) { col = int(c); offset = c - float32(col); if (col <= 0 || col >= colCount-1) continue; iVolumeIndex = row * colCount + col; // POLICY: PIXEL PRIOR + ADD + POSTERIOR if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, (1.0f - offset) * lengthPerRow); p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex); } iVolumeIndex++; // POLICY: PIXEL PRIOR + ADD + POSTERIOR if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, offset * lengthPerRow); p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex); } } } // horizontally else { // calculate y for col 0 y = detY + (proj->fRayY/proj->fRayX)*(m_pVolumeGeometry->pixelColToCenterX(0)-detX); r = (m_pVolumeGeometry->getWindowMaxY() - y) * inv_pixelLengthY - 0.5f; // for each col for (col = 0; col < colCount; ++col, r += update_r) { int row = int(r); offset = r - float32(row); if (row <= 0 || row >= rowCount-1) continue; iVolumeIndex = row * colCount + col; // POLICY: PIXEL PRIOR + ADD + POSTERIOR if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, (1.0f - offset) * lengthPerCol); p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex); } iVolumeIndex += colCount; // POLICY: PIXEL PRIOR + ADD + POSTERIOR if (p.pixelPrior(iVolumeIndex)) { p.addWeight(iRayIndex, iVolumeIndex, offset * lengthPerCol); p.pixelPosterior(iVolumeIndex); } } } // POLICY: RAY POSTERIOR p.rayPosterior(iRayIndex); } // end loop detector } // end loop angles }