/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2010-2015, iMinds-Vision Lab, University of Antwerp 2014-2015, CWI, Amsterdam Contact: astra@uantwerpen.be Website: http://sf.net/projects/astra-toolbox This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox. The ASTRA Toolbox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The ASTRA Toolbox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the ASTRA Toolbox. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ */ #ifndef _INC_ASTRA_SARTALGORITHM #define _INC_ASTRA_SARTALGORITHM #include "Globals.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Algorithm.h" #include "ReconstructionAlgorithm2D.h" #include "Projector2D.h" #include "Float32ProjectionData2D.h" #include "Float32VolumeData2D.h" #include "DataProjector.h" namespace astra { /** * \brief * This class contains the implementation of the SART (Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique) algorithm. * * The update step of pixel \f$v_j\f$ for projection \f$phi\f$ and iteration \f$k\f$ is given by: * \f[ * v_j^{(k+1)} = v_j^{(k)} + \lambda \frac{\sum_{p_i \in P_\phi} \left( \frac{p_i - \sum_{r=1}^{N} w_{ir}v_r^{(k)}} {\sum_{r=1}^{N}w_{ir} } \right)} {\sum_{p_i \in P_\phi}w_{ij}} * \f] * * \par XML Configuration * \astra_xml_item{ProjectorId, integer, Identifier of a projector as it is stored in the ProjectorManager.} * \astra_xml_item{ProjectionDataId, integer, Identifier of a projection data object as it is stored in the DataManager.} * \astra_xml_item{ReconstructionDataId, integer, Identifier of a volume data object as it is stored in the DataManager.} * \astra_xml_item_option{ReconstructionMaskId, integer, not used, Identifier of a volume data object that acts as a reconstruction mask. 1 = reconstruct on this pixel. 0 = don't reconstruct on this pixel.} * \astra_xml_item_option{SinogramMaskId, integer, not used, Identifier of a projection data object that acts as a projection mask. 1 = reconstruct using this ray. 0 = don't use this ray while reconstructing.} * \astra_xml_item_option{UseMinConstraint, bool, false, Use minimum value constraint.} * \astra_xml_item_option{MinConstraintValue, float, 0, Minimum constraint value.} * \astra_xml_item_option{UseMaxConstraint, bool, false, Use maximum value constraint.} * \astra_xml_item_option{MaxConstraintValue, float, 255, Maximum constraint value.} * \astra_xml_item_option{ProjectionOrder, string, "sequential", the order in which the projections are updated. 'sequential', 'random' or 'custom'} * \astra_xml_item_option{ProjectionOrderList, vector of float, not used, if ProjectionOrder='custom': use this order.} * \astra_xml_item_option{Relaxation, float, 1, The relaxation parameter.} * * \par MATLAB example * \astra_code{ * cfg = astra_struct('SART');\n * cfg.ProjectorId = proj_id;\n * cfg.ProjectionDataId = sino_id;\n * cfg.ReconstructionDataId = recon_id;\n * cfg.option.MaskId = mask_id;\n * cfg.option.UseMinConstraint = 'yes';\n * cfg.option.UseMaxConstraint = 'yes';\n * cfg.option.MaxConstraintValue = 1024;\n * cfg.option.ProjectionOrder = 'custom';\n * cfg.option.ProjectionOrderList = randperm(100);\n * cfg.option.Relaxation = 1.0;\n * alg_id = astra_mex_algorithm('create'\, cfg);\n * astra_mex_algorithm('iterate'\, alg_id\, 10);\n * astra_mex_algorithm('delete'\, alg_id);\n * } */ class _AstraExport CSartAlgorithm : public CReconstructionAlgorithm2D { protected: /** Initial clearing. Only to be used by constructors. */ virtual void _clear(); /** Check the values of this object. If everything is ok, the object can be set to the initialized state. * The following statements are then guaranteed to hold: * - valid projector * - valid data objects * - projection order all within range */ virtual bool _check(); // temporary data objects CFloat32ProjectionData2D* m_pTotalRayLength; CFloat32VolumeData2D* m_pTotalPixelWeight; CFloat32ProjectionData2D* m_pDiffSinogram; int m_iIterationCount; public: // type of the algorithm, needed to register with CAlgorithmFactory static std::string type; /** Default constructor, containing no code. */ CSartAlgorithm(); /** Constructor. * * @param _pProjector Projector Object. * @param _pSinogram ProjectionData2D object containing the sinogram data. * @param _pReconstruction VolumeData2D object for storing the reconstructed volume. */ CSartAlgorithm(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction); /** Constructor. * * @param _pProjector Projector Object. * @param _pSinogram ProjectionData2D object containing the sinogram data. * @param _pReconstruction VolumeData2D object for storing the reconstructed volume. * @param _piProjectionOrder array containing a projection order. * @param _iProjectionCount number of elements in _piProjectionOrder. */ CSartAlgorithm(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction, int* _piProjectionOrder, int _iProjectionCount); /** Destructor. */ virtual ~CSartAlgorithm(); /** Clear this class. */ virtual void clear(); /** Initialize the algorithm with a config object. * * @param _cfg Configuration Object * @return initialization successful? */ virtual bool initialize(const Config& _cfg); /** Initialize class, no optionals, use sequential order. * * @param _pProjector Projector Object. * @param _pSinogram ProjectionData2D object containing the sinogram data. * @param _pReconstruction VolumeData2D object for storing the reconstructed volume. * @return initialization successful? */ virtual bool initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction); /** Initialize class, use custom order. * * @param _pProjector Projector Object. * @param _pSinogram ProjectionData2D object containing the sinogram data. * @param _pReconstruction VolumeData2D object for storing the reconstructed volume. * @param _piProjectionOrder array containing a projection order. * @param _iProjectionCount number of elements in _piProjectionOrder. * @return initialization successful? */ virtual bool initialize(CProjector2D* _pProjector, CFloat32ProjectionData2D* _pSinogram, CFloat32VolumeData2D* _pReconstruction, int* _piProjectionOrder, int _iProjectionCount); /** Get all information parameters * * @return map with all boost::any object */ virtual map<string,boost::any> getInformation(); /** Get a single piece of information represented as a boost::any * * @param _sIdentifier identifier string to specify which piece of information you want * @return boost::any object */ virtual boost::any getInformation(std::string _sIdentifier); /** Perform a number of iterations. Each iteration is a forward and backprojection of * a single projection index. * * @param _iNrIterations amount of iterations to perform. */ virtual void run(int _iNrIterations = 1); /** Get a description of the class. * * @return description string */ virtual std::string description() const; protected: //< Order of the projections. int* m_piProjectionOrder; //< Number of projections specified in m_piProjectionOrder. int m_iProjectionCount; //< Current index in the projection order array. int m_iCurrentProjection; //< Relaxation parameter float m_fLambda; }; // inline functions inline std::string CSartAlgorithm::description() const { return CSartAlgorithm::type; }; } // end namespace #endif