#include <mex.h> #include "astra/Logging.h" bool mexIsInitialized=false; /** * Callback to print log message to Matlab window. * */ void logCallBack(const char *msg, size_t len){ mexPrintf("%s",msg); } /** * Initialize mex functions. * */ void initASTRAMex(){ if(mexIsInitialized) return; astra::running_in_matlab=true; if(!astra::CLogger::setCallbackScreen(&logCallBack)){ mexErrMsgTxt("Error initializing mex functions."); } mexIsInitialized=true; // If we have support for plugins, initialize them. // (NB: Call this after setting mexIsInitialized, to avoid recursively // calling initASTRAMex) mexEvalString("if exist('astra_mex_plugin_c') == 3; astra_mex_plugin_c('init'); end"); }