function [sinogram_new, proj_geom_new] = astra_downsample_sinogram(sinogram, proj_geom, factor) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % [sinogram_new, proj_geom_new] = astra_downsample_sinogram(sinogram, proj_geom, factor) % % Downsample the sinogram with some factor and adjust projection geometry % accordingly % % sinogram: MATLAB data version of the sinogram. % proj_geom: MATLAB struct containing the projection geometry. % factor: the factor by which the number of detectors is divided. % sinogram_new: MATLAB data version of the resampled sinogram. % proj_geom_new: MATLAB struct containing the new projection geometry. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % This file is part of the ASTRA Toolbox % % Copyright: 2010-2021, imec Vision Lab, University of Antwerp % 2014-2021, CWI, Amsterdam % License: Open Source under GPLv3 % Contact: % Website: %------------------------------------------------------------------------ if mod(size(sinogram,2),factor) ~= 0 disp('size of the sinogram must be a divisor of the factor'); end sinogram_new = zeros(size(sinogram,1),size(sinogram,2)/factor); for i = 1:size(sinogram,2)/factor sinogram_new(:,i) = sum(sinogram(:,(factor*(i-1)+1):factor*i),2); end proj_geom_new = proj_geom; proj_geom_new.DetectorCount = proj_geom_new.DetectorCount / factor;