path: root/driver/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'driver/Makefile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/driver/Makefile b/driver/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f932693..0000000
--- a/driver/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-obj-m := pciDriver.o
-pciDriver-objs := base.o dev.o int.o umem.o kmem.o sysfs.o ioctl.o pcibus.o rdma.o
-KERNELVER ?= $(shell uname -r)
-KERNELDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNELVER)/build
-INSTALLDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNELVER)/extra
-MAININSTALLDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNELVER)/kernel/extra
-HEADERDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNELVER)/source/include
-PWD := $(shell pwd)
-EXTRA_CFLAGS += -I$(M)/..
-ifneq ($(DUMMY_DEVICE), 0)
- @KERNEL_GCC_VERSION=`cat /proc/version | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f 7` ;\
- GCC_VERSION=`$(CC) --version | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]" | tail -n 1` ;\
- if [ $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION != $$GCC_VERSION ]; then \
- echo "Kernel is compiled with gcc $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION, but you are now using $$GCC_VERSION" ;\
- GCC_MAJOR=`echo $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION | cut -d "." -f 1-2` ;\
- CC=`which $$newCC 2>/dev/null` ;\
- if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
- newCC=gcc-$$GCC_MAJOR ;\
- CC=`which $$newCC 2>/dev/null` ;\
- if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
- newCC=`compgen -ac | grep -E ^gcc-4.6 | head -n 1` ;\
- CC=`which $$newCC 2>/dev/null` ;\
- if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \
- echo "No compiler of $$GCC_MAJOR series is installed" ;\
- exit 1 ;\
- fi ; \
- fi ;\
- fi ;\
- GCC_VERSION=`$$CC --version | head -n 1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -e "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]" | tail -n 1` ;\
- if [ $$KERNEL_GCC_VERSION != $$GCC_VERSION -a -z "$$RELAXED_GCC_CHECK" ]; then \
- echo "The $$GCC_VERSION of $$GCC_MAJOR series is installed" ;\
- exit 1 ;\
- fi ;\
- echo "Setting CC to $$newCC" ;\
- else \
- CC=$(CC) ;\
- fi ;\
- build_path=`pwd` ;\
- build_lastmod=`find . -type f -name '*.[ch]' -printf '%TY/%Tm/%Td %TH:%TM:%TS %p\n' | grep -E -v 'build.h|mod.c' | sort -n | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1-2 | cut -d '.' -f 1` ;\
- build_user=`whoami` ;\
- build_date=`date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` ;\
- build="Built at $$build_date by $$build_user" ;\
- bzr=`which bzr 2>/dev/null` ;\
- if [ $$? -eq 0 -a -d ../.bzr ]; then \
- build_revision=`bzr revno` ;\
- build_author=`bzr log -r$$build_revision | grep committer | cut -c 12-` ;\
- build_branch=`bzr nick` ;\
- build_changes=`bzr status -SV | cut -c 5- | tr \\\n " "` ;\
- revision="Revision $$build_revision from $$build_branch by $$build_author at $$build_path, last modification from $$build_lastmod" ;\
- /bin/echo -e "#define PCIDRIVER_BUILD \"$$build\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_REVISION \"$$revision\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_CHANGES \"$$build_changes\"\\n" > build.h ;\
- else \
- grep "#define PCILIB_RELEASE" ../pcilib/build.h &> /dev/null ;\
- if [ $$? -eq 0 ]; then \
- revision="Release \" PCILIB_RELEASE \" (r\" PCILIB_REVISION \") from \" PCILIB_REVISION_BRANCH \" by \" PCILIB_REVISION_AUTHOR \" at $$build_path, last modification from $$build_lastmod" ;\
- /bin/echo -e "#include \"../pcilib/build.h\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_BUILD \"$$build\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_REVISION \"$$revision\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_CHANGES PCILIB_REVISION_MODIFICATIONS\n" > build.h ;\
- else \
- revision="Revision r\" PCILIB_REVISION \" from \" PCILIB_REVISION_BRANCH \" by \" PCILIB_REVISION_AUTHOR \" at $$build_path, last modification from $$build_lastmod" ;\
- /bin/echo -e "#include \"../pcilib/build.h\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_BUILD \"$$build\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_REVISION \"$$revision\"\\n#define PCIDRIVER_CHANGES PCILIB_REVISION_MODIFICATIONS\n" > build.h ;\
- fi ;\
- fi ;\
- $(MAKE) $(CFLAGS) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) CC=$$CC modules
- @mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)
- @echo "INSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko"
- @install -m 755 pciDriver.ko $(INSTALLDIR)
- @echo "INSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers"
- @install -m 644 Module.symvers $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers
- @echo "INSTALL $(HEADERDIR)/linux/pcidriver.h"
- @install -m 644 pcidriver.h $(HEADERDIR)/linux/
- @echo "INSTALL /usr/include/linux/pcidriver.h"
- @mkdir -p /usr/include/linux
- @install -m 644 ioctl.h /usr/include/linux/pcidriver.h
- @mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)
- @echo "INSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers"
- @install -m 644 Module.symvers $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers
- @echo "INSTALL $(HEADERDIR)/linux/pcidriver.h"
- @install -m 644 pcidriver.h $(HEADERDIR)/linux/
- @echo "UNINSTALL $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko"
- @rm -f $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko
- @rm -f $(MAININSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.ko
- @rm -f $(INSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers
- @rm -f $(MAININSTALLDIR)/pciDriver.symvers
- @echo "UNINSTALL /usr/include/linux/pcidriver.h"
- @rm -rf /usr/include/pciDriver/
- @rm -rf /usr/include/linux/pcidriver.h
- @echo "UNINSTALL $(HEADERDIR)/linux/pcidriver.h"
- @rm -rf $(HEADERDIR)/linux/pcidriver.h
- rm -rf *.o *.ko *.mod.c .*.o.cmd .*.o.tmp .*.ko.cmd .*.o *.symvers modules.order .tmp_versions